All of us at the Kings hope you and yours are well and safe.
We hope you managed to make the best of the Easter weekend. Saying this we haven’t forgotten that key workers were hard at it and many in very difficult circumstances. The Kings would like to say our own thank you to NHS and other key workers and I am delighted to announce we will be inviting them to a free outing to the Pantomime this Christmas. More details about this will follow.
Last week Jack Edwards and I hosted our first ‘socially distanced’ live chat. It was good to hear your questions and for your supportive comments. If you missed it you can watch it here. It was a lot of fun for us and we plan on running more sessions on a regular basis. We will email when we know the next date and hopefully you can join us or post your questions beforehand.
Another highlight is we have managed to secure a rescheduled date for the mighty We Will Rock You. This has moved to Monday 31 May – Saturday 5 June 2021. All ticket holders were emailed last week so please check your emails for full information. Your tickets have been exchanged into the equivalent performance so if you were coming on Monday 3 June your tickets are now valid for Monday 31 May 2021. Your seats remain the same. If you have any questions please do contact our Box Office In the words of Queen – The Show Must Go On – and we agree!
As I have mentioned previously we have a small Box Office team working remotely. We are continuing to contact all customers for our rescheduled shows. Please bear with us as we are working through an enormous amount of emails and messages via social media – but we are managing to respond to everyone in the end.
Looking ahead we are working with both regular and new promoters and our future programming for 2021 is looking terrific. Over the next few weeks I plan to share some of our new programming with you so please do keep an eye out for this weekly email and across our website and social media. Saying this you can be assured your safety is our priority and we are already thinking how we manage this when the lockdown is relaxed to make it safe, comfortable and easy for you to return to the theatre again.